On the move

The Greater Toledo Urban League is ready to move to new heights. This passed week we participated in the National Urban League Centennial celebration and the synergy was amazing. The conference was very empowering and there were a lot of connections made that will benefit the entire city of Toledo. Be on the look out for new content and events happening right here on this web site and in the community. Thank you all for your support and we look forward to your feedback and comments as always.


We need your vote!

[fancy_header]Our Overall Strategy[/fancy_header]


What is our approach.

The Greater Toledo Urban League has adopted the National Urban League’s five-point approach of empowerment. We focus on the areas of economic empowerment, web educational opportunities and the guarantee of civil rights for African Americans and the disadvantaged. Our programs and services provide equal opportunity for all disadvantaged people through community engagement and grassroots advocacy.

A few of our services include:



For a full list of our programs and services visit our Services Page.


[fancy_box] [dropcap1]1[/dropcap1]Education and Youth Empowerment ensures the education of all children by providing access to early childhood literacy, side effects and after-care programs.

All that we do as adults is built on a foundation of education. The primary focus of our organization is on equal opportunity education for all students. We offer a wide range of educational programs that serve youth and adults. Our programs are designed to compliment the current trends and climate of the modern workforce and are built to level the playing field for minorities and those that are disadvantaged.

[dropcap1]2[/dropcap1]Economic Empowerment invests in the financial literacy and employability of adults through job training, see homeownership and entrepreneurship.

In our modern economy it is even more critical that we properly train and assist those in need of employment to get the skills and experience needed to be successful in the workforce. We have extensive programming and staff resources available to achieve the very ambitious goal of turning the unemployment rate of Toledo on its head. We currently service clients seeking employment and offer one on one assistance to help them over come any barriers they may have.

[dropcap1]3[/dropcap1]Health and Quality of Life Empowerment promotes community wellness through a focus on prevention, including fitness, healthy eating and access to affordable healthcare.

Nothing is more important than living a happy, healthy, and full life. We offer senior services, health awareness and youth activity programs in order to help improve the quality of life in the Toledo community and beyond. Our programs, partnered with local community organizations focus on improving the entire being (mind, body, and spirit) while encouraging people of all ages to reach their full potential as a productive addition to their community.


Dear Friends, cialis 40mg

We need your Vote!

We were selected to participate in the Members Project- an initiative of American Express and the Take Part Foundation that allows users to share information about their charity, viagra volunteer and donate. Every three months American Express tallies the votes and determines five winning charities that share $1, order 000,000 in funding. We need your votes to continue our participation and potentially win the American Express Members Project competition!

I’m asking each of you to do the following:

Members of our I Am Empowered community can earn points for these actions

We need your support and your influence to secure votes!!! The current round of voting ends on May 23, 2010 so we must mobilize everyone we know to vote. A gift from American Express will greatly enhance our ability to enhance the phenomenal work you do as we transform America together. Let’s show Amex and the world that our supporters are passionate about our mission and proud of our legacy.

VOTE Here!


BE Empowered

Marc H. Morial

Fifth Third Bank’s Homeownership Mobile Returns to Toledo

2010 Tour Brings Community Service to Neighborhoods

In an effort to continue to provide community service, this site Fifth Third Bank is bringing back its mobile financial information station, healing known as the Homeownership Mobile, medications to Toledo, Sandusky and Monroe, Michigan in May.  Serving Fifth Third Bank markets since 2004, the 40-foot eBus is a mobile facility outfitted with the latest electronic technology that provides a convenient venue for knowledgeable professionals to offer credit counseling, home financing and refinancing options, and foreclosure prevention information directly to the community in accessible neighborhood locations.  The eBus is scheduled to make seven stops in Toledo between May 18 and 28, 2010.

“Offering our knowledge, experience, products and services outside of our traditional offices is not only more convenient, but less intimidating for some people,” said Linda Ewing.  “This is a casual, relaxed atmosphere with no 3-piece suits,” she added. “We think the constituents of our partnership agencies will have an increased level of trust because they are familiar with the organization. We know that sitting across a desk in a bank can be uncomfortable. This is our attempt to remove those barriers,” Ms. Ewing said.

The eBus is Internet-equipped with 14 computer terminals to extend access to financial services and homeownership information in a one-on-one setting. In Toledo, free credit reports will be provided by NODA (Northwestern Ohio Development Association) and health screenings will also be available. The ebus will make stops at various community locations as noted in the eBus Flyer below.  Services are free and open to the public:

[download_box]eBus Flyer[/download_box]

[download_box]eBus release[/download_box]

[info_box]This event is not affiliated with the Greater Toledo Urban League and appears on this site as a special promotion in no direct relation to our programs or services.[/info_box]

The Urban Green & Sustainability Forum

Join industry experts, nurse cheapest entrepreneurs and thought leaders from around the
nation as we demystify the emerging green economy, information pills sustainability, and discuss
market trends, job creation, skill enhancement and entrepreneurship.
Topics Include:
  • What is the Green Economy and what it means to you
  • How does a commitment to Sustainability transform your community and
  • business
  • Global, National and Local Market and Social Trends
  • Green Investments and Jobs
  • Understanding the Green Clusters and Associated Training
  • Competency requirements and certifi cations
  • Entrepreneurism and Green Economy
Green Segments to be discussed:
Solar Power, Wind Farms, Building Retrofi tting, Smart Grid Cluster, Advanced
Biofuels, BioMass, and Urban Sustainability

Join industry experts, entrepreneurs and thought leaders from around thenation as we demystify the emerging green economy, sustainability, and discussmarket trends, job creation, skill enhancement and entrepreneurship.Topics Include:• What is the Green Economy and what it means to you• How does a commitment to Sustainability transform your community andbusiness• Global, National and Local Market and Social Trends• Green Investments and Jobs• Understanding the Green Clusters and Associated Training• Competency requirements and certifi cations• Entrepreneurism and Green EconomyGreen Segments to be discussed:Solar Power, Wind Farms, Building Retrofi tting, Smart Grid Cluster, AdvancedBiofuels, BioMass, and Urban Sustainability

[download_box]Urban Green Sustainability Forum[/download_box]

[download_box]Urban Green Sponsorship RSVP form[/download_box]

[info_box]This event is not affiliated with the Greater Toledo Urban League and appears on this site as a special promotion in no direct relation to our programs or services.[/info_box]

Urban League position on Issue 3

[toggle title=”Latest Update”]

Voters of Toledo clearly expressed their will as it relates to Toledo Public Schools and Issue 3.  With the failure of this levy an opportunity has been created to really begin a dialogue between Toledo Public Schools, rx its Board, Administration, Administration and Teacher Unions, parents, community and most importantly the students.

The Greater Toledo Urban League, while expressing opposition to the levy, take no pleasure in its failure.  We rather view this as a potential watershed moment from which we can choose to either continue the same confrontational and “pass the blame” rhetoric or we can forge a “new way forward” that will address the varied issues we now face.  A plan to effectively address the inequities in the offering of a quality education for all students and the creation of a culture that supports community-based schools is paramount to the success of this district.

We further understand that the responsibility is not solely on TPS, but it is a collective responsibility that must be borne by all beginning with parents, citizens, the religious leaders, and business professionals.  NOW is the time for leadership! It is the desire of the Greater Toledo Urban League to work with TPS and this community to ensure that each child in Toledo receives a quality education that prepares them for college, careers and productive citizenship.  We ask that you join us in this effort!

[download_box]Issue 3 Follow up statement[/download_box]


[info_box]A press conference was held on Friday April, 23, 2010 to address the Greater Toledo Urban League’s official Toledo Public School’s issue 3. Read the official statement by the Greater Toledo Urban League president John Jones below.[/info_box]

GTUL’s Position Statement on Issue 3 – Toledo Public Schools Levy

We face a crucial time in the life and history of our city.  Job growth in some sectors remains dismal, unemployment continues to hover around 12% for the City, and overall the economic rebound we desire to see is slow at best.  The City of Toledo in order to close a $48 million deficit has had to call on employees to take cuts in pay and do more with less, Unions to agree to concessions and everyday citizens to bear a larger percentage of the load.

At the same time, within the City our school system is facing an enormous budget crisis as well.  As it attempts to close a $30 million deficit, there has been much discussion about where to generate revenue and make cuts.  Unfortunately the Board and Administration of our District has engaged in little dialogue to collectively come up with a solution that creates the needed change and reform to provide ALL students with a quality, first-class education.

Over the past ten years we have seen a sharp decline in the number of students in the district (per Ohio Department of Education enrollment declined 27%, from approximately 35,000 to approximately 26,000).  While the enrollment has declined, revenues and expenditures per pupil not only have increased disproportionately, but have also seen an increase that has far outpaced inflationary rates.  This rough analysis supports our belief that this community has supported levies almost without question and in some instances blindly.  More specifically, the precincts that comprise the Central City (which is primarily minority) has staunchly supported each levy while receiving the majority of school cuts and the lowest amount of resources necessary to prepare students for college, work and life.  Additionally, through the “Building for Success” program we have seen a disproportionate share of contracts being awarded to minority contractors and new or renovated schools have seen a very apparent delay of and even exclusion from the plan altogether.  The levy, if passed on the backs of the community, will have a devastating impact on poor and working families, as many of them have little disposable income to bear an additional tax at this time.

The Greater Toledo Urban League, as an affiliate of the National Urban League, has adopted as one of its long range goals, “ensuring each child receives a quality education that prepares them for college, work and life by 2025”.  We are 100% committed to this goal, however locally we find it difficult to achieve within a District that is begging for reform and lacking in transparency and accountability.  It is disingenuous at best and blatantly hypocritical at its worst for Toledo Public Schools to ask the community to support a levy and trust their judgment when resources have been squandered and decisions made that will have a negative impact on success and progress in the future.

We support our students wholeheartedly and we support quality teachers within our District.   However we recognize that to continue providing funds without a clear strategic focus and vision; without a massive reform of administration; without a review and revision of union contracts; and without a concentrated effort to work collaboratively with the entire community, will be the greatest disservice we could do to our community’s most precious assets – OUR YOUTH.  Therefore the Greater Toledo Urban League, at this time cannot support Issue 3.

Now is the time for this community to step up and hold our elected officials and public institutions accountable!

Now is the time for this community to step up and volunteer to assist students in their quest to not only secure a quality education, but also to become productive contributors to our community!

Now is the time for this community to step up and contribute to the success of each youth in a way that is commensurate with one’s ability!

GTUL’s Recommendations
  1. Develop a Strategic Plan: There is a “plan” that is more than five years old.  This could be revisited, but the landscape is different and our students, teachers and community should know that there is a plan and that it is being followed and implemented
  2. Review and “right-size” the administration: Based on what is present today within the District are the levels and layers of administration still applicable and more importantly appropriate.
  3. Review and revise union contracts: This must be done in collective and collaborative so as to make student education and learning the best it can be.  We must be “ahead of the curve” on many issues and realize that what worked even five years ago is different today given our current situation.
  4. Develop and foster an environment that welcomes continuous collaboration and innovation, while valuing human capital: This is critical in bringing about transformational change to this community.  TPS cannot be seen as “the problem” alone, as it will take an entire village to ensure that children are prepared for post-secondary education, work and life

[note_box]NOTE:  Some of this discussion and corresponding support for focusing on these areas can be found in the report entitled, “Restoring Prosperity: The State Role in Revitalizing Ohio’s Core Communities” prepared by the Brookings Institution in conjunction with Greater Ohio.  The link to this document is below.



[download_box]Official Greater Toledo Urban League Statement on Issue 3[/download_box]

[download_box]TPS Issue 3 recomendations[/download_box]


Money Management Month

May is Money Management Month!!!


  • Have you ever run short on money at the end of the month?
  • Or have you sent out hundreds of resumes not to receive a single call back?
  • Do you or someone you know had trouble ever had to deal with foreclosure?


If so the Financial Stability Collaborative is here to help!!

During the month of May the Financial Stability Collaborative will be holding classes that are open to the public  to help with Foreclosure Prevention, visit this   Managing a Budget, and Helping you get your next job…

For a full list of events and times visit our events page on facebook..

[info_box]Visit our events page on Facebook[/info_box]

[download_box]Download the full Events in May flyer[/download_box]

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  • This site serves as an online extension of The Greater Toledo Urban League (GTUL).
  • All content within is created to compliment services offered by GTUL and do not represent in any way an online agency or stand-alone entity.
  • All data collected on this site will be reviewed and responded to by a GTUL staff person or a member of the administration.
  • The following pages represent our terms and conditions in relation to our web presence only.




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