Its almost time to bring out the barbecue grills and the volley ball nets, visit this boy does time fly,because summer is nearly in full swing. This update is probably a little behind schedule but that is because we have been working so hard around here that we didn’t have time to tell you about all the work we have been doing. So in case you haven’t noticed we’ve got a lot of things on the table that are really building our momentum and propelling the Greater Toledo Urban League that you know up into orbit with the best of them. We have really stepped up in a lot of areas that people are now, finally, beginning to notice.
First and foremost, our public exposure as far as the media and community events is concerned, has really taken off and now almost anyone with a T.V. and a couple minutes to spare has either seen us on Bridges or heard about one or more of the events that we were recently involved with. To compliment that effort we have really really stepped up our online web 2.0 efforts in order to make everything about us more search-able and web friendly for the benefit of those non-T.V watching web surfers. We are certainly well on our way to the self imposed challenge of being the best in the field when it comes to brand recognition and organization clarity (and we definitely have some heavy competition).
So this is the point where we ask for your help. So far this blog itself stands as our primary tool when it comes to passing on the internal information of our organization but in case you haven’t noticed it is still somewhat naked. We need you and everyone you know to visit our blog and actively participate in the community elements of this online world. We need everything from comments, discussions, and good old fashioned debates to guest authors, news submissions and insider community event updates. There is a lot going on in our fair little town and a good portion of the events are poorly attended simply based on the fact of lack of exposure. We are hoping to position ourselves as an outlet or hub for all things non profit and community. Its a big feat to take on but if we, in a single weekend, can generate 219 fans on a face book page that was designed and finalized by one guy on a Friday afternoon one hour before the end of the workday then with a collaborative effort strategically planed and established by a full community of concerned citizens willing to invest and sacrifice their money and time for the benefit of the city as a whole then we can surely take over the world. Just something to think about.
So as we move forward we only ask that now that we have made our presence known and our intentions clear that you, the community, help us to take our message further than we alone can do. There is much more work to be done but its gonna take a lot more than we can ever hope to do alone. Thank you for all the love and support you have shown us up to now. We love you all.
Be sure to follow us wherever you can. We are working to be everywhere we need to be to make sure the method and message of The Greater Toledo Urban League is heard and seen loud and clear.