Comments on: Embracing Change:An Opportunity for New Beginnings
Empowering Communities and Changing LivesWed, 09 Mar 2011 16:08:01 +0000
By: Markeith Johnson
Sat, 11 Jul 2009 02:36:35 +0000 a life long resident of Toledo, I have seen the city from a lower middle class perspective remain in the “ICE AGE”. Of liberal conservative BS my whole file. Used up blue collar workers now tossed to the side. Have a chance to see how the rest of us have faired in the “glass city”. No concern for the impoverished inner “Central City” areas, have resulted in decay and abandonment for decades. Cities like Toledo now lay in ruins after big business has pulled the rug from under the feet of it’s workers. The middle class in Toledo has learned a powerful lesson. “do not forget the poor and less fortune, create opportunity when and where you can” Because it is you who will need the “hand up” in the future. The wealthy have no concept. of poor. It is the JOB of the middle class to petition the wealthy, to create opportunity. (not hand outs). But when the middle class begin to blame the poor for their condition, it is this attitude that creates a vacuum for poverty to exsist in. In an attempt to live the “goodlife” to middle class as squandered it buying power emulating the wealthy. And have created envy and distain from both the poor and the wealthy, the poor have no sympathy for those who forced us to watch them parade in things they could not afford. The wealthy have no sympathy for the middle class buying things they could not pronounce and living in places where in wealthy have “a way of doing things”. So in closing middle class IT seems that you have forgot the poor, But we have not forgotten you, and we welcome you back to the ghettos you abandonded with open arms. Big Black Whole 2009 “fall in and don’t come out”