Why is diversity on the Supreme Court important if Justices should use only the facts to interpret and apply the law? http://gtul.org/blog
What\’s up with the recycling o…
What\’s up with the recycling of elected officials? Tell us what you think at http://gtul.org/blog
John C. Jones
Contemporary Recycling
http://snipr.com/mo77i #AAF African American Festival is going on all weekend at Scott Park Campus.
As I have been watching the news over the past few weeks and trying to stay somewhat current with the “comings and goings” of our political atmosphere, viagra there has been this constant (and perturbing) pricking in the back of my brain. After realizing that it was not my 7 week old son (John Michael) hitting me in my head, it dawned on me what it was….the recycling of elected officials! I need someone to enlighten me. Why does our city and our community (probably even our nation) have so much apparent difficulty cultivating, empowering and transitioning a new generation of leadership into positions of power, responsibility and influence? I’m really open to some answers on this one and I don’t think I’m the only one wondering this. Tell us what you think.
African American Festival
http://snipr.com/mo77i #AAF African American Festival is going on all weekend at Scott Park Campus.
A Spirit Remembered
Doni Miller speaks with members of the Greater Toledo Urban League including the president and CEO John C. Jones, health visit web the Director of Workforce Development Brandon Tucker, and and Employment Coach Phillip Cunningham. Today, they focus on the rising numbers of unemployment among African Americans. Courtesy of 13abc
Statement by John C. Jones, viagra order President and C.E.O.
of the Greater Toledo Urban League
on the passing of Dr. Robert Brundage
The Greater Toledo Urban League, for sale its Board of Directors, look Staff and Volunteers mourn the passing of Dr. Robert Brundage. An educator, environmentalist, community activist, community leader, musician and champion of children and the underserved, his passing will create a stark void in the Toledo community. He was always active and visible, serving on a plethora of boards and working tirelessly within many community organizations. Everyone that had opportunity to meet and engage in dialogue with Dr. Brundage could feel not only his passion for people, but his desire to see Toledo become a thriving community of equality, social justice, educational excellence and economic vitality.
It pains us at the Urban League how Dr. Brundage met this tragic end. Without question, the young man that attacked Dr. Brundage, at age 15, should be held accountable for his actions. However, this one act leaves open the door that yet again exposes greater issues that must be addressed. Make no mistake; the answer is not as simple as “he was a bad kid”. We as a community must dig deeper to address and confront the areas of dysfunction that surround our youth, from families to institutions to individuals.
We at the Urban League welcome the discussion around helping and empowering our youth to make positive choices, manage their situations, and model behavior that ends in transformational change within this community. Let us use the example of Dr. Brundage’s life as a springboard that creates a lasting impact on the lives of all Toledoans, particularly its youth.
Image courtesy of http://www.lisabelle-artist.com.
Our doors are still open
Greater Toledo Urban League announces layoffs of 7 employees.
Official Statement regarding the “reduction in workforce” At the Greater Toledo Urban League
On June 30, drug 2009, stomach the Greater Toledo Urban League reduced it’s workforce by a total of seven positions. Of those seven positions, five involved the displacement of staff and two were positions that will remain unfilled. The reduction, while unfortunate is a direct result of a loss in funding for the coming fiscal year (2009-2010).
Each staff person was apprised of this possible reduction in January 2009, as we were projecting our financial position for the second half of the fiscal year. Official notice of these position eliminations was communicated to the staff two weeks prior (June 16, 2009). John C. Jones, President and C.E.O. stated, “The loss of funding and most importantly these staff persons, is difficult, but it is also an all too true reality that many organizations, businesses and institutions are facing during these very tough economic times”.
The positive news is that the Urban League is very much alive and continues to operate valuable and needed programs for this community.
- We are continuing our work at the J. Frank Troy Senior Center with a full complement of services designed to assist seniors.
- We are working with our youth this summer through three programs:
- S.T.R.I.V.E., which is designed to assist high school students pass the Ohio Graduation Tests
- Summer G.A.M.E.S., which is a collaborative effort between the City of Toledo, United Way and FunGame Sports that teach youth life lessons through sports
- Summer Basketball, which is a collaboration between Frederick Douglas Community Association, Sleepy Hollow Athletic Association and the GTUL
- We are proud to be a collaborative partner through funding from the United Way to offer assistance to the Toledo community in the area dealing with “situational poverty” and financial literacy training.
“At the end of the day, our mission – “to improve the social and economic conditions of each person in our community, particularly African-Americans, other minorities and those that are disadvantaged” – is paramount to all that we do, and we must ensure that we are making solid business decisions that ultimately impact the service we provide”, states Mr. Jones. The Urban League continues to actively seek funding from all sources (local, state-wide and national). We ask for the support from this community by way of memberships, volunteers and alternative forms of giving. For more information on how you can support the Greater Toledo Urban League, visit us at http://gtul.org or follow us on Facebook and Twitter (http://twitter.com/GTUL)
The Greater Toledo Urban League was officially established in August of 1996 as a National Urban League Affiliate. Through the operation of programming in the areas of Education and Youth Services, Workforce Development, and Health & Quality of Life, we serve hundreds of families each year and utilize thousands of volunteer hours. We serve a broad range of people from all ages (6 – 60+).
See the coverage featured by our media partner 13abc [Urban League Lays off 7 employees]
Urban League Layoffs
Greater Toledo Urban League announces layoffs of 7 employees.
In Your Face
Its almost time to bring out the barbecue grills and the volley ball nets, visit this boy does time fly,because summer is nearly in full swing. This update is probably a little behind schedule but that is because we have been working so hard around here that we didn’t have time to tell you about all the work we have been doing. So in case you haven’t noticed we’ve got a lot of things on the table that are really building our momentum and propelling the Greater Toledo Urban League that you know up into orbit with the best of them. We have really stepped up in a lot of areas that people are now, finally, beginning to notice.
First and foremost, our public exposure as far as the media and community events is concerned, has really taken off and now almost anyone with a T.V. and a couple minutes to spare has either seen us on Bridges or heard about one or more of the events that we were recently involved with. To compliment that effort we have really really stepped up our online web 2.0 efforts in order to make everything about us more search-able and web friendly for the benefit of those non-T.V watching web surfers. We are certainly well on our way to the self imposed challenge of being the best in the field when it comes to brand recognition and organization clarity (and we definitely have some heavy competition).
So this is the point where we ask for your help. So far this blog itself stands as our primary tool when it comes to passing on the internal information of our organization but in case you haven’t noticed it is still somewhat naked. We need you and everyone you know to visit our blog and actively participate in the community elements of this online world. We need everything from comments, discussions, and good old fashioned debates to guest authors, news submissions and insider community event updates. There is a lot going on in our fair little town and a good portion of the events are poorly attended simply based on the fact of lack of exposure. We are hoping to position ourselves as an outlet or hub for all things non profit and community. Its a big feat to take on but if we, in a single weekend, can generate 219 fans on a face book page that was designed and finalized by one guy on a Friday afternoon one hour before the end of the workday then with a collaborative effort strategically planed and established by a full community of concerned citizens willing to invest and sacrifice their money and time for the benefit of the city as a whole then we can surely take over the world. Just something to think about.
So as we move forward we only ask that now that we have made our presence known and our intentions clear that you, the community, help us to take our message further than we alone can do. There is much more work to be done but its gonna take a lot more than we can ever hope to do alone. Thank you for all the love and support you have shown us up to now. We love you all.
Be sure to follow us wherever you can. We are working to be everywhere we need to be to make sure the method and message of The Greater Toledo Urban League is heard and seen loud and clear.
- Follow us on Twitter
- Become a fan on Facebook
- Watch us on Delicious
- Flickr coming soon
- Myspace coming soon
- Yahoo answers! coming soon
- Blog Catalog coming soon
- Be sure to share this article with all of your friends using the tool at the bottom of each post.
A Cut Above
The birds have return and there are signs of things getting better all over the place.
Spring is in the air. The birds are singing. The sun is shining. The world is fresh and new. So while on the subject of fresh and new let’s talk about what we’ve got going on here.
- Number 1, dosage if you haven’t already checked it out, pill we are beginning to draw a small following over on the popular micro-blogging site, Twitter. Imagine Twitter as being like our little mocking bird spreading the positive messages of the league far and beyond anywhere we could reach on our own. So, thank you to all of our followers who support us in the real world and online. If you would like to become a follower please visit www.twitter.com/GTUL.
- We are also on Facebook. To become a fan of The Greater Toledo Urban League log in to your Facebook account and visit http://www.facebook.com/pages/Greater-Toledo-Urban-League/633651977 for more information.
- Lastly we are in the process of engaging active community members to be a part of our development committee. The development committee will be a small group of individuals who are active in the community and understand the basic mission and vision of the Urban League. Their ultimate goal will be to mold the message of the league into a consumer friendly package that will stay on the minds and lips of the people we serve. This committee is solely responsible for helping us get the word out about what we do and why we do it. If you are interested visit our contact page and leave us your full details so we can contact you.
That is all for now. There is a lot more in the works and just around the bend. If you have any ideas or questions feel free to shoot us an email or visit our contact page to shoot us a message.
Spring is in the air. The birds are singing. The sun is shining. The world is fresh and new. So while on the subject of fresh and new let’s talk about what we’ve got going on here.
- Number 1, prescription if you haven’t already checked it out, shop we are beginning to draw a small following over on the popular micro-blogging site, approved Twitter. Imagine Twitter as being like our little mocking bird spreading the positive messages of the league far and beyond anywhere we could reach on our own. So, thank you to all of our followers who support us in the real world and online. If you would like to become a follower please visit www.twitter.com/GTUL.
- We are also on Facebook. To become a fan of The Greater Toledo Urban League log in to your Facebook account and visit http://www.facebook.com/pages/Greater-Toledo-Urban-League/633651977 for more information.
- Lastly we are in the process of engaging active community members to be a part of our development committee. The development committee will be a small group of individuals who are active in the community and understand the basic mission and vision of the Urban League. Their ultimate goal will be to mold the message of the league into a consumer friendly package that will stay on the minds and lips of the people we serve. This committee is solely responsible for helping us get the word out about what we do and why we do it. If you are interested visit our contact page and leave us your full details so we can contact you.
That is all for now. There is a lot more in the works and just around the bend. If you have any ideas or questions feel free to shoot us an email or visit our contact page to shoot us a message.
Spring is in the air. The birds are singing. The sun is shining. The world is fresh and new. So while on the subject of fresh and new let’s talk about what we’ve got going on here.
- Number 1, about it if you haven’t already checked it out, cialis 40mg we are beginning to draw a small following over on the popular micro-blogging site, click Twitter. Imagine Twitter as being like our little mocking bird spreading the positive messages of the league far and beyond anywhere we could reach on our own. So, thank you to all of our followers who support us in the real world and online. If you would like to become a follower please visit www.twitter.com/GTUL.
- We are also on Facebook. To become a fan of The Greater Toledo Urban League log in to your Facebook account and visit http://www.facebook.com/pages/Greater-Toledo-Urban-League/633651977 for more information.
- Lastly we are in the process of engaging active community members to be a part of our development committee. The development committee will be a small group of individuals who are active in the community and understand the basic mission and vision of the Urban League. Their ultimate goal will be to mold the message of the league into a consumer friendly package that will stay on the minds and lips of the people we serve. This committee is solely responsible for helping us get the word out about what we do and why we do it. If you are interested visit our contact page and leave us your full details so we can contact you.
That is all for now. There is a lot more in the works and just around the bend. If you have any ideas or questions feel free to shoot us an email or visit our contact page to shoot us a message.
Spring is in the air. The birds are singing. The sun is shining. The world is fresh and new. So while on the subject of fresh and new let’s talk about what we’ve got going on here.
- Number 1, generic if you haven’t already checked it out, this we are beginning to draw a small following over on the popular micro-blogging site, seek Twitter. Imagine Twitter as being like our little mocking bird spreading the positive messages of the league far and beyond anywhere we could reach on our own. So, thank you to all of our followers who support us in the real world and online. If you would like to become a follower please visit www.twitter.com/GTUL.
- We are also on Facebook. To become a fan of The Greater Toledo Urban League log in to your Facebook account and visit http://www.facebook.com/pages/Greater-Toledo-Urban-League/633651977 for more information.
- Lastly we are in the process of engaging active community members to be a part of our development committee. The development committee will be a small group of individuals who are active in the community and understand the basic mission and vision of the Urban League. Their ultimate goal will be to mold the message of the league into a consumer friendly package that will stay on the minds and lips of the people we serve. This committee is solely responsible for helping us get the word out about what we do and why we do it. If you are interested visit our contact page and leave us your full details so we can contact you.
That is all for now. There is a lot more in the works and just around the bend. If you have any ideas or questions feel free to shoot us an email or visit our contact page to shoot us a message.
Spring is in the air. The birds are singing. The sun is shining. The world is fresh and new. So while on the subject of fresh and new let’s talk about what we’ve got going on here.
- Number 1, viagra buy if you haven’t already checked it out, click we are beginning to draw a small following over on the popular micro-blogging site, Twitter. Imagine Twitter as being like our little mocking bird spreading the positive messages of the league far and beyond anywhere we could reach on our own. So, thank you to all of our followers who support us in the real world and online. If you would like to become a follower please visit www.twitter.com/GTUL.
- We are also on Facebook. To become a fan of The Greater Toledo Urban League log in to your Facebook account and visit http://www.facebook.com/pages/Greater-Toledo-Urban-League/633651977 for more information.
- Lastly we are in the process of engaging active community members to be a part of our development committee. The development committee will be a small group of individuals who are active in the community and understand the basic mission and vision of the Urban League. Their ultimate goal will be to mold the message of the league into a consumer friendly package that will stay on the minds and lips of the people we serve. This committee is solely responsible for helping us get the word out about what we do and why we do it. If you are interested visit our contact page and leave us your full details so we can contact you.
That is all for now. There is a lot more in the works and just around the bend. If you have any ideas or questions feel free to shoot us an email or visit our contact page to shoot us a message.
Well not exactly featured, store but our very own employment coach Phil Cunningham was recently interviewed in The Toledo Blade today regarding the upcoming Career Camp, which will be held on Wednesday April 8th, 2009 at the Seagate Center in Downtown Toledo. In response to what people should expect when they attend the event tomorrow, Phil was quoted as saying, “Come with an open mind and be ready to work.”
Career Camp, sponsored by The Blade and WTOL-TV, Channel 11, begins with registration at 8:30 a.m. Sessions start at 9 a.m. and are 45 minutes each, with a lunch break from noon to 1:15 p.m. Sessions resume at 1:30, with the last ending at 3:15 p.m. Camp closes at 4 p.m. During each 45-minute block, attendees will have a chance to take part in any of the five workshops: how to navigate a job fair; resume writing; resume review; interviewing techniques, and jobs of the future. –Excerpt from the Toledo Blade
If you plan on attending please arrive early and professionally. If you have any question you can call our office at (419) 243-3343 or send us an email at info@gtul.org.
Once again, congratulations to Phil and the rest of the GTUL staff who work hard everyday to better the community and help those most in need.
Its for the birds
Good day good people. You are witnessing the result of months of intense work and dedication by the Toledo Urban League staff and their bright vision of the future for the community and our supporters. We are in the midst of a grand restructuring on all fronts. This is just a single part of the BIG picture which goeas along with our other transformations including: Our new location; Our new web site; Our new programs and our new attitude.
As the webmaster I plan to keep you informed of the changes and improvements in relation to the new website and this blog. We plan on expanding our “digital presenece” into some bits of unexplored territority technically striving to mirror the current presidential administrations digital “connectiveness” which can no longer be called a fad.
The overall purpose of this blog will now be communicate the living activities and happenings of the Toledo Urban League and the website will now serve as a staic capsule of the overall goals and objectives of our fine organization.
Feel free to look around and leave comments and ideas on the topics and stories you find here. We hope to keep this consistently updated but your feedback with be the gas that drives our content.
Thank you again for your support.
Jermaine A. Young
- Who: Greater Toledo Urban League
- What: 12 Annual Greater Toledo Urban League Dinner Banquet
- When: March 12, web 2009 7pm-9pm
- Where: Parkway Place [2592 Parkway Plaza Maumee, remedy Ohio]
To find out more about ticket information or to reserve a spot in our ad book please call (419) 243-3343.
Doni Miller speaks with members of the Greater Toledo Urban League including the president and CEO John C. Jones, more about the Director of Workforce Development Brandon Tucker, website like this and Employment Coach Phillip Cunningham. Today, they focus on the rising numbers of unemployment among African Americans. Courtesy of 13abc
Spring is in the air. The birds are singing. The sun is shining. The world is fresh and new. So while on the subject of fresh and new let’s talk about what we’ve got going on here.
- Number 1, cheap if you haven’t already checked it out, price we are beginning to draw a small following over on the popular micro-blogging site, Twitter. Imagine Twitter as being like our little mocking bird spreading the positive messages of the league far and beyond anywhere we could reach on our own. So, thank you to all of our followers who support us in the real world and online. If you would like to become a follower please visit www.twitter.com/GTUL.
- We are also on Facebook. To become a fan of The Greater Toledo Urban League log in to your Facebook account and visit http://www.facebook.com/pages/Greater-Toledo-Urban-League/633651977 for more information.
- Lastly we are in the process of engaging active community members to be a part of our development committee. The development committee will be a small group of individuals who are active in the community and understand the basic mission and vision of the Urban League. Their ultimate goal will be to mold the message of the league into a consumer friendly package that will stay on the minds and lips of the people we serve. This committee is solely responsible for helping us get the word out about what we do and why we do it. If you are interested visit our contact page and leave us your full details so we can contact you.
That is all for now. There is a lot more in the works and just around the bend. If you have any ideas or questions feel free to shoot us an email or visit our contact page to shoot us a message.