Good day good people. You are witnessing the result of months of intense work and dedication by the Toledo Urban League staff and theirĀ bright vision of the future for the community and our supporters. We are in the midst of a grand restructuring on all fronts. This is just a single part of the BIG picture which goes along with our other transformations including: Our new location; Our new web site; Our new programs and our new attitude.
As the webmaster I plan to keep you informed of the changes and improvements in relation to the new website and this blog. We plan on expanding our “digital presence” into some bits of unexplored territory technically striving to mirror the current presidential administrations digital “connectedness” which can no longer be called a fad.
The overall purpose of this blog will now be communicate the living activities and happenings of the Toledo Urban League and the website will now serve as a static capsule of the overall goals and objectives of our fine organization.
Feel free to look around and leave comments and ideas on the topics and stories you find here. We hope to keep this consistently updated but your feedback with be the gas that drives our content.
Thank you again for your support.
Jermaine A. Young