Mission | Vision | History | Staff | Agency Information
[fancy_header]Our Mission[/fancy_header]
[dropcap2]T[/dropcap2]he Greater Toledo Urban League (GTUL) is a non-profit community service organization, buy established to provide direct services in the areas of employment, buy more about training, viagra 60mg business and career development, education, health, housing, and youth development to the Toledo community.
[fancy_header]Our Vision[/fancy_header]
[dropcap2]T[/dropcap2]he vision of the Greater Toledo Urban League is an empowered community of economically and socially self sufficient individuals.
[fancy_header]Our History[/fancy_header]
[dropcap2]I[/dropcap2]n October of 1994, a local group of concerned citizens began a movement to establish an Urban League Affiliate in the Toledo area.
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[fancy_header]Our Staff[/fancy_header]
Rev. John C. Jones – President /CEO
Ret Littleton – Administrative Assistant
Jermaine Young – Director of Marketing and Development
[fancy_header]Education & Youth[/fancy_header]
Flo Wormley– Program Administrator (Success Through Review Incentive Vision Effort)
[fancy_header]Workforce Development[/fancy_header]
Brandon Tucker – Director
Brooke Campbell – Administrative Coordinator
Financial Stability Collaborative
Phil Cunningham – Workforce Development Coordinator
Charlotte Jones – Program Specialist
Project Reconnect
Shirley Lyons– Workforce Development Coordinator
[fancy_header]Senior Services[/fancy_header]
Barbara Kyles – Director, Senior Services
John Hawkins – Transportation Specialist
Prince McDonald – Program Assistant
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[fancy_header]Our Overall Strategy[/fancy_header]
What is our approach.
The Greater Toledo Urban League has adopted the National Urban League’s five-point approach of empowerment. We focus on the areas of economic empowerment, page educational opportunities and the guarantee of civil rights for African Americans and the disadvantaged. Our programs and services provide equal opportunity for all disadvantaged people through community engagement and grassroots advocacy.
A few of our services include:
Education and Youth Empowerment
Economic Empowerment
Health and Quality of Life Empowerment
For a full list of our programs and services visit our Services Page.
[fancy_box] [dropcap1]1[/dropcap1]Education and Youth Empowerment ensures the education of all children by providing access to early childhood literacy, healing and after-care programs.
All that we do as adults is built on a foundation of education. The primary focus of our organization is on equal opportunity education for all students. We offer a wide range of educational programs that serve youth and adults. Our programs are designed to compliment the current trends and climate of the modern workforce and are built to level the playing field for minorities and those that are disadvantaged.
[dropcap1]2[/dropcap1]Economic Empowerment invests in the financial literacy and employability of adults through job training, cialis 40mg homeownership and entrepreneurship.
In our modern economy it is even more critical that we properly train and assist those in need of employment to get the skills and experience needed to be successful in the workforce. We have extensive programming and staff resources available to achieve the very ambitious goal of turning the unemployment rate of Toledo on its head. We currently service clients seeking employment and offer one on one assistance to help them over come any barriers they may have.
[dropcap1]3[/dropcap1]Health and Quality of Life Empowerment promotes community wellness through a focus on prevention, including fitness, healthy eating and access to affordable healthcare.
Nothing is more important than living a happy, healthy, and full life. We offer senior services, health awareness and youth activity programs in order to help improve the quality of life in the Toledo community and beyond. Our programs, partnered with local community organizations focus on improving the entire being (mind, body, and spirit) while encouraging people of all ages to reach their full potential as a productive addition to their community.