[fancy_header]Olympia’s Story[/fancy_header]

[fancy_box][dropcap1]O[/dropcap1]lympia’s story is just one example of how the Greater Toledo Urban League has helped people in need realize their true potential, ask over the years. 2010 has been no different, and we’re eager to tell you more about how we’ve worked diligently, to ensure that numerous others would have a year filled with inspiration, success and change!

For starters, the Urban League has strengthened its focus on improving education in Northwest Ohio. This move officially recognizes something we have known all along, that our efforts in every other area of our mission – workforce development, health, civil rights and civic engagement – mean nothing if our youngest citizens are growing up without the basic skills to function effectively in society.

Second, the Urban League has undertaken a targeted effort to advocate for issues that are critical to the social and economic well-being of every person in Northwest Ohio. This means that we’ll work proactively with other organizations to address specific concerns in the community and apply what we’ve learned from direct experience about the issues.

It’s true, the promise of these initiatives has invigorated our work and created excitement among staff and supporters. For the last 14 years, the Urban League has worked to improve the social and economic conditions of disadvantaged and underserved people in Northwest Ohio and, thanks to the new focus, the future looks bright.

[info_box]Now here’s the best part: you can impact the future by making an investment in the Urban League. As a non-profit organization, the Urban League relies completely on charitable support to carry out its mission.  Your gift will help provide direct services and advocate for a better way of life in Northwest Ohio.[/info_box]



[note_box]Want to donate to the Greater Toledo Urban League? Fill in the form below and donate via our secure donation portal courtesy of PayPal.[/note_box]

[fancy_header]Donate Now[/fancy_header]


We have collected over [donatetotal] so far. Thank you.


[fancy_header]Thank You To Our Supporters[/fancy_header]
[button link=”http://www.gtul.org/get-involved/donate/donor-recognition-wall”]Donor Recognition Wall[/button]



Ways to Give to
The Greater Toledo Urban League
Friends of the Greater Toledo Urban League who wish to make a contribution are encouraged to consider the following options:
Cash is often the most convenient form of giving. Cash gifts are fully deductible for federal income tax purposes, provided deductions are itemized.
Pledges enable a donor to plan a personal giving program that is both convenient and tax-wise. A pledge may enable a donor to consider a more significant gift than would have been otherwise possible. Terms for payment on pledges are flexible and at the option of the donor.
Securities may be made as outright gifts or as a payment on a pledge. Stock certificates may be reassigned directly to the Greater Toledo Urban League or may be transferred through the donor’s broker. The mean market value on the date of the transfer will determine the value of the gift for tax purposes. It is best to consult with the External Affairs Office before a transaction is made. For general questions on securities callJohn Jones at 419-243-3343 or send an email to president@gtul.org.

Gifts of appreciated securities may be tax deductible, up to 30 percent of your adjusted gross income. The deduction is based on the full fair market value, and capital gains tax is not due when the stock is transferred to the League.
[dropcap1]4[/dropcap1]Planned Gifts
In certain instances, it may be preferable from an estate, financial and tax planning perspective to consider long-term planning giving as the best way to make a gift. This can be accomplished through various gift instruments, such as charitable reminder trusts, gift annuities, charitable lead trusts, and bequests. For more information on planned giving, please contact John Jones at 419-243-3343 or send an email topresident@gtul.org.

[download_box]Download “Donation Guidelines” PDF[/download_box]



[info_box]There is a new volunteer opportunity available. Click here for more details.[/info_box]

[fancy_header]Volunteer Opportunities[/fancy_header]
The Greater Toledo Urban League, doctor Inc. could not provide its many services, and
to the community,if we did not have our super supporters—our volunteers.
Our volunteers provide services to our youth programs through:

Summer Mentorship/Basketball Program

And, our volunteers provide services to our adult programs through:

J. Frank Troy Senior Center
Community Advocacy


[info_box]If you’d like to volunteer please submit your information using the form below[/info_box]

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About webmaster

Jermaine Young is the Director of Marketing and Social Media for the Greater Toledo Urban League. He has helped the Urban League create a visual presence both online and in the real world with his unique modern style and simple design structure. He also manages several other online entities and is a proud father of 4 wonderful children and one adoring wife.

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